​We provide affordable payment systems, featuring our mobile payment app ParKiwi and our QR code payment solution, Parkeasy. These innovative, technology-driven options eliminate the need for costly hardware and streamline parking payments for you and your customers.
ParKiwi Parking Payment App
After a decade of hands-on experience managing and supporting apps and software in the parking sector, we crafted ParKiwi. Our wealth of knowledge enabled us to design a user-friendly platform that promises heightened customer satisfaction and increased compliance and profits for parking operators.
Our mobile parking payment app offers customers the convenience of not having to visit the parking machine or worry about guessing how long they need to park for.

​• Simple to use
• Easy start/stop, so customers are only paying for what they use
• Emailed invoices
• Geofencing reminders
• QR Code carpark selection
​​Visit to learn more, or get in touch below.
ParkEASY QR Code Scanning
ParkEASY allows users to scan a QR code and use their smartphone to pay for their parking. No app download or registration is required, payments can be made remotely and without touching a machine.
How it works:
• The QR code will be on signage placed across the carpark.
• Users scan the QR code with their mobile phone.
• Users access the ParkEASY payment portal and pre-pay for their time.
• Payment is made using a credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay